I believe in the power of individuals and organizations to use growth mindset, data, and stakeholder voices to make purposeful change. With the world in a state of revolution, for organizations and individual leaders to be successful and maintain joy, they need to be working in a parallel process of action, reflection and change. This takes bravery, clarity, communication and inclusion. Many of the processes and systems we used in the past are no longer sufficient; and we need to be creative and excited about building organizations that can solve the world’s complex problems. The external problems pushing on our organizations, paired with the increased expectations of leaders from our employees, can be challenging. We can be leaders who are reflective, honest, genuine, attentive, and adaptive. In order to cause needed change, partnership and assistance is key.

I bring a unique mixture of training and experience in areas of leadership, change management, conflict resolution, emergency planning and response, assessment, and diversity, equity and inclusion. I have presented and facilitated work with various Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions to create and clarify their values and align their work toward their goals. We have met goals and created joyful team while doing it. I also love my work as an executive coach to leaders and assisting them with mindful, equitable and impactful leadership. My goal is that I can help my clients feel inspired, resourceful, successful and well.

Most recently, I served as the Vice President of Campus Life and Student Success at Stetson University leading areas including the Academic Success, the Center for Community Engagement, Career Development, Campus Safety, Residential Living and Learning, the Dean of Students, Student Health, Student Counseling, One Stop, Wellness and Recreation, Diversity and Inclusion and Student Development and Campus Vibrancy. I also co-chaired the Strategic Enrollment Team that examines revenue streams, market trends, performs data analytics, leads strategic planning and manages campus change processes to benefit both student need and University bottom line. I was asked by the president to co-chair the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion leadership team, which implemented campus climate surveys, worked with the Cabinet and Board, and catalyzed the community to use the results to make measurable change. I was a key leader in pandemic response and change management planning.

I have been invited to keynote, give workshops, and speak on panels at local, state, national and regional conferences focused on women’s leadership, diversity and inclusion, mindfulness and work life blend, conflict resolution and communication, and leadership development. Additionally, I have consulted with Florida Blue and Citi on mindful leadership and communication strategies, have coordinated work with Chartwells and their stakeholders to create a zero waste dining facility, and facilitated diversity and inclusion work with Seminole County Schools.

I have been a lifelong learner with a BS from Rollins College in Psychology and African/African American Studies, a MS from NSU in Alternative Dispute Resolution, an EdD from NSU in Higher Education Leadership. I also obtained various certificates including: Yoga Alliance Certification, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace from University of South Florida, Transformational Leadership and Consultation in the Workplace completion from the Wilmette Institute, and coach training from the Center for Conscious Leadership.

I am on the Executive Board of the ACE women’s network of Florida, where I recently partnered to complete a state-wide study on women in leadership in higher education. I also serve with the national Baha’i community working on education and action programs for children, youth and adults. I love coffee, plants, hiking, and my kids.

I have been described as driven, action-oriented, encouraging, collaborative, passionate, present, confident, and respected. I am excited to work with you toward results-oriented execution through focus and innovation.


About Lua
